26 nov. 2007

lunapads: non-disposable

lunapads are not disposables... who needs more things sitting in the landfill? a friend has told me these are great and I'm really looking forward to trying them. They look cool and they're not made of plastic, and they're actually quite easy to wash. Lunapads also sells organic cotton handkerchiefs!

I've used reusable organic cotton pads for a couple of months now. They're easy to wash. I use ecover stain remover on them and then soak them in water and a bit of baking soda overnight. In the morning I just rinse and hang. No hard scrubbing. You can also throw them in the machine, but honestly they were clean overnight for me, so I haven't bothered yet. I have no desire to switch back to plastic feeling pads that I use for a few hours and then they sit in a landfill for the rest of my life.