28 aug. 2006

allotment update, one month on

well! we have one bed going now with radishes planted from seed and quite a few red beet plants given to us. the spinach never sprouted (or its so tiny still that it blends with the tiny weeds) and three of the dill plants transplanted.

we've been working on building the double compost bin from old pallets and with a month away i still feel like there's so much to do. we also built a wooden box for shovels and the hose and whatvere else while we were on holiday. it is quite large, if you stand it on its end i can stand up inside of it. we have oiled it and still need to attach the lid with hinges. the plus is that it has a back and doubles as a bench!

i'd like to organize a bit more, laying out beds and making paths. getting more tarps to cover the weeded areas.

this fall's to do list contains:
get the compost bins lined and going, get the lid on the bench/box, transplant some of the raspberry bushes to the back of the plot (it borders a ditch), trim the cherry tree with hopes of fruit next year, and do serious amounts of weeding beds.