23 mars 2006

transplanting and snow

just finished my first round of transplanting. i ended up with 6 tomato plants, 4 dill and 10 leek, with another 2 tomato seedlings and 2 dill seedlings that aren't quite ready to leave the first pot yet. they say dill doesn't transplant well, but i didn't know that when i planted it, so we'll see. just as i finished, i set the pots on the window shelf and looked outside. it was snowing! doesn't the weather know it is supposed to be getting warmer? good thing the leeks are still too small to go out!

i didn't really have enough pots and there definately isn't extra money for gardening supplies right now, so i had to be pretty creative. i found a lot of the containers i'm using in the recycling room at my apartment building. nice big ones the leeks and tomatoes will need later on. i finished off my first 9 liter bag of soil and have almost finished the second bag of soil, this time organic.

the little greenhouse is still packed, with more tiny seedlings popping up every day. a tip i picked up on the web is to use toilet paper rolls as seedling pots, then when you replant, you bury the whole thing as the 'pot' will decompose. nice for sensitive plants as well.